@ -1693,11 +1693,17 @@ properties (with the prefix stripped) when the local `EntityManagerFactory` is c
=== Configure Hibernate Naming Strategy
Hibernate defines `Physical` and `Implicit` naming strategies. Spring Boot configures
`SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy` by default. This implementation provides the same table
structure as Hibernate 4: all dots are replaced by underscores and camel cases are
replaced by underscores as well. By default, all table names are generated in lower case
but it is possible to override that flag if your schema requires it.
Hibernate uses {hibernate-documentation}#naming[two different naming strategies] to map
names from the object model to the corresponding database names. The fully qualified class
name of the physical and implicit strategy implementations can be configured using the
`spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy` and
`spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.implicit-strategy` properties respectively.
Spring Boot configures the physical naming strategy with `SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy` by
default. This implementation provides the same table structure as Hibernate 4: all dots
are replaced by underscores and camel cases are replaced by underscores as well. By
default, all table names are generated in lower case but it is possible to override that
flag if your schema requires it.
Concretely, a `TelephoneNumber` entity will be mapped to the `telephone_number` table.