@ -2232,10 +2232,13 @@ Information returned by the `env` and `configprops` endpoints can be somewhat se
The patterns to use can be customized using the `management.endpoint.env.keys-to-sanitize` and `management.endpoint.configprops.keys-to-sanitize` respectively.
Spring Boot uses sensible defaults for such keys: any key ending with the word "password", "secret", "key", "token", "vcap_services", "sun.java.command", "uri", "uris", "address" or "addresses" is sanitized.
Additionally, any key that holds the word `credentials` as part of the key is sanitized (configured as a regular expression, i.e. `+.*credentials.*+`).
Spring Boot uses sensible defaults for such keys: any key ending with the word "password", "secret", "key", "token", "vcap_services", "sun.java.command" is entirely sanitized.
Additionally, any key that holds the word `credentials` as part of the key is sanitized (configured as a regular expression, i.e. `+*credentials.*+`).
If any of the keys to sanitize are URI format (i.e. `<scheme>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/`), only the password part is sanitized.
Furthermore, Spring Boot only sanitizes the sensitive portion of URIs for keys which end with "uri", "uris", "address", or "addresses".
The sensitive portion of the URI is identified using the format `<scheme>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/`.
For example, for the property `myclient.uri=http://user1:password1@localhost:8081`, the resulting sanitized value is