@ -529,19 +529,16 @@ the configuration of your application. For example:
NOTE: The getters and setters are advisable, since binding is via
standard Java Beans property descriptors, just like in Spring
MVC. They are mandatory for immutable types or those that are directly
coercable from `String`. As long as they are initialized maps and
collections need a getter but not necessarily a setter, for instance,
since they can be mutated by the binder. Maps and collections can also
be created (if there is a setter) and expanded (in any case), but
arrays can not (so normally arrays need to be bound to a
comma-separated value, but lists can be bound to individual
elements). Nested POJO properties can also be created (so a setter is
not mandatory) if they have a default constructor, or a constructor
accepting a single value that can be coerced from String. Some people
use Project Lombok to add getters and setters automatically.
NOTE: The getters and setters are advisable, since binding is via standard Java Beans
property descriptors, just like in Spring MVC. They are mandatory for immutable types
or those that are directly coercible from `String`. As long as they are initialized,
maps, collections, and arrays need a getter but not necessarily a setter since they
can be mutated by the binder. If there is a setter, Maps, collections, and arrays can
be created. Maps and collections can be expanded with only a getter, whereas arrays
require a setter. Nested POJO properties can also be created (so a setter is not
mandatory) if they have a default constructor, or a constructor accepting a single
value that can be coerced from String. Some people use Project Lombok to add getters
and setters automatically.
When the `@EnableConfigurationProperties` annotation is applied to your `@Configuration`,
any beans annotated with `@ConfigurationProperties` will be automatically configured