* One for Cloud Foundry and one for the application context ID
* If app runs in Cloud Foundry vcap.application.* and vcap.services.*
will be populated in the Environment
* The ApplicationContext ID is set to something supposedly unique
(e.g. name:index in a Cloud Foundry app)
[#50968415] [#48153639]
* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
$ cd spring-bootstrap-cli
$ export SPRING_HOME=target
$ src/main/scripts/spring run samples/integration.groovy
The big disadvantage at the moment is that there is no goo way to
detect Spring Integration in the AST (at least not as good as @Enable*).
So for now we are looking for @MessageEndpoint or a class name with
SpringIntegration in it.