* Make Rector @Autowirable
* Create a ConsumerBeanPostProcessor so users can add
@On and @Reply to bean methods
* Added groovy auto compiler and script sample
[#53955419] [bs-250]
Add a setup profile allowing the maven plugin to be build alone.
Required to prevent 'unresolveable build extension' errors on a
fresh checkout.
Issue: #52091115
Develop a maven plugin that can be used to package executable jar/war
archives. The plugin is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement
for the standard maven-jar-plugin. To use the plugin declare it with
<extensions>true</extensions> then set the project type to
'executable-jar' or 'executable-war'.
Configuration options for 'executable-war' generation are intentionally
much more limited then the standard maven-war-plugin (for example
overlays are not supported). It is anticipated that builds requiring
complex configuration will continue to use the standard plugin in
combination with a custom assembly.
Issue: #52091115
User adds @OnManagementContext to a bean or @Configuration and
it should be included in the management context (if there is one)
whether it is the main context or a child.
Makes it easy to secure the management endpoints and keep
the rest open (see actuator-ui-sample).
* Added GroovyTemplate.template() utility and static import in webapp CLI, so
String home(Model model) {
template "home.html", model
renders the template in /templates/home.html
* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
* Suport maven-exec-plugin in the same way as the shade plugin, so
$ mvn exec:java
is all you need to do to run an app
* Update README
* Fix dependencies to nail Spring version
* Added a bean post processor for the Spring Security filter chain
(so you only get traces by default if security is on)
* Every request is logged at trace level if the dump requests flag is
* Requests are also dumped to a TraceRepository for later analysis (very
useful for tracing problems in real time when a support call comes in)