Update the maven and gradle plugins to fail the build if a single
unique main class cannot be found. Additionally plugins will warn
if the search is taking too long.
Fixes gh-210
$ gradle bootRun
Edit files in src/main/resources and see the changes live in a web app
(e.g. static resources in /static).
The old functionality of bootRun has been replaced (since it didn't add
a lot of value and also didn't expose any JMV argument setters of anything).
This new feature set is backed by any existing "run" task configuration.
In addition autodetects a main class if there is one in the project
sources, so no need for mainClassName = '...' in build.gradle.
Applies the 'application' plugin (so no need to declare that either).
Fixes gh-225
Previously, Repackage would attempt to repackage every jar in the
project. This would cause it to incorrectly attempt to repackage source
and javadoc jars.
This commit updates Repackage so that it ignores any jar with a
classifier. Hopefully this is a reasonable approximation for ignoring
'special' jars that should not be repackaged such as sources and
The Git plugin was primarily being used to provide version information
that Boot's maven plugin can add into the MANIFEST.MF of the uber-jars
that it creates under the Spring-Boot-Commit-Id attribute.
This commit removes the Git plugin from Boot's own projects, but
leaves it in the spring-boot-starter-parent for use by Spring
Boot-based applications.
The attribute in the uber-jars' MANIFEST.MF has been replaced with a
Spring-Boot-Version attribute. The value of this attribute is the
implementation version of Repackager class's package.
To use PropertiesLauncher instead of JarLauncher in an
executable JAR we have provided tooling support. In Maven
(using the starter parent to default some of the settings):
in Gradle:
apply plugin: "spring-boot"
springBoot {
layout = 'ZIP'
[Fixes#58837492] [bs-330] Add tooling for PropertiesLauncher
PropertiesLauncher can now be used to run an executable jar, and by
default it will pick up nested archives in lib/ (where the Boot
tools puts them). User can provide loader.path (colon-separated)
to change the nested path.
[#58837492] [bs-330] Add tooling for PropertiesLauncher