Update `LaunchedURLClassLoader` so that packages defined from exploded
archive folders have manifest attributes applied to them. Prior to this
calling `package.getImplementationTitle()` would only return the a
manifiest attribute when running non-exploded.
The root cause of this issue is the way that `URLClassLoader` handles
the different URL types. For URLs that reference a jar the manifest is
available. For URLs that reference a folder it isn't. When running
exploded we use a URL that references to the `BOOT-INF/classes` folder
directly. To fix the issue we now attempt to detect when `definePackage`
is being called directly, and replace `null` entries with actual
manifest values.
Fixes gh-21705
Update `JarFile` so that `super.close()` is called early so that the
file is not left open. Since we re-implement `JarFile` methods to work
directly on the underlying `RandomAccessDataFile`, it should be safe
to close immediately.
See gh-21126
Update `JarURLConnection` to ensure that when connections are opened
a new copy of the JarFile is provided.
Prior to this commit, a single `JarFile` instance was shared which meant
that it could be accidental closed if accessed via
`JarURLConnection.getJarFile()`. If the underlying jar file is closed
then it's possible for a `NoClassDefFoundError` to be thrown if running
on JDK 11 with an active `SecurityManager`.
Closes gh-17796
ExecutableArchiveLauncher.createClassLoader(Iterator) calls
createClassLoader(URL) method with 'super'. This means overriding
createClassLoader(URL) is not possible without also overriding
createClassLoader(Iterator). The switch to 'this' enables that.
See gh-20851
Update the Maven plugin so that layered jars now use the regular "flat"
format. The layers.idx file now describes which layer each file should
be placed.
See gh-20813
Co-authored-by: Phillip Webb <pwebb@pivotal.io>
Update `LaunchedURLClassLoader` to ensure that the `JarModeLauncher`
is created in the correct classloader.
Prior to this commit the launcher was created by the application
classloader and did not have access to any of the required
`org.springframework` classes.
See gh-19848
Update all dependencies declarations to use the form `scope(reference)`
rather than `scope reference`.
Prior to this commit we declared dependencies without parentheses unless
we were forced to add them due to an `exclude`.
Replace Gradle single quote strings with the double quote form
whenever possible. The change helps to being consistency to the
dependencies section where mostly single quotes were used, but
occasionally double quotes were required due to `${}` references.
Fix a bug in `ExplodedURLClassLoader` and merge the code into the
existing `LaunchedURLClassLoader` class. Also polish a few method
names relating to layer support.
See gh-19848
See gh-19767
Update the `Launcher` class to allow a packaged jar to be launched in
a different mode. The launcher now checks for a `jarmode` property and
attempts to find a `JarMode` implementation using the standard
`spring.factories` mechanism.
Closes gh-19848
Support an alternative fat jar format that is more amenable to Docker
image layers.
The new format arranges files in the following structure:
<layer-name #1>
<layer-name #2>
The `BOOT-INF/layers.idx` file provides the names of the layers and the
order in which they should be added (starting with the least changed).
The `JarLauncher` class can load layered jars in both fat and exploded
Closes gh-19767
Co-authored-by: Phillip Webb <pwebb@pivotal.io>
Update the `Repackager` class so that an additional `classpath.idx` file
is written into the jar that provides the original order of the
classpath. The `JarLauncher` class now uses this file when running as
an exploded archive to ensure that the classpath order is the same as
when running from the far jar.
Closes gh-9128
Co-authored-by: Phillip Webb <pwebb@pivotal.io>