Previously, non camel case properties were wrongly resolved, i.e.
getFOO() leading to a 'f-o-o'. While unusual, underscores can also be
added to a property name. In that case, the hyphen should not be added
as the binder consider this to be a single "word". Typically setFoo_Bar
on the "something" prefix is mapped using "something.foo_bar".
All these cases are now handled properly, generating the target name that
the binder expects.
Fixes gh-2118
flyway.init and are two options that are missing from the
meta-data following the change in f0bc3c0. It turns out that both these
properties have an additional setter taking a String so they shouldn't be
excluded after all
Closes gh-2088
Previously, a property holding an array did not have a proper default
value in the meta-data even though the related field was initialized
An explicit support for arrays has been added. The "defaultValue" now
holds the default value for singular properties or an array of values for
array-based properties. If the value is initalized with an empty array,
the default value is an empty array as well.
Closes gh-1996
Previously, any valid property was added to the meta-data of the current
group. This can be annoying for types that are not meant to be bound from
a simple string value. ClassLoader is one example.
A list of well-known types has been added: if the property type matches
an element of this list, it is ignored.
Fixes gh-2012
Previously, any property defined in a @Deprecated class were not marked
as deprecated as only the getter or field was inspected for the
An additional check on the class has been added to handle this case.
Fixes gh-2014
Update the ConfigurationMetadataAnnotationProcessor nested class
algorithm to prevent inner classes being added as both groups and
Fixes gh-1975
Previously, an Enum that is defined as an inner class of a
@ConfigurationProperties pojo was wrongly detected as an nested group.
This case is now handled explicitly and covered by a test.
Fixes gh-1971
Add a companion module that IDE developers can use to read configuration
metadata from multiple sources into a single repository.
ConfigurationMetadataRepository provides access to groups and items as
well as an harmonized view on "sources" (that is the POJOs that have
contributed to a given group).
Closes gh-1970
Add a 'module' layout for the repackager which includes all 'compile'
and 'runtime' scope dependencies and does not require a main class.
Fixes gh-1941
Previously, WarLauncher included its root on the classpath. It also used
a filtered version of its root archive to hide both the WEB-INF and
META-INF directories. This meant that files in WEB-INF and META-INF
could be found by the classloader (as they were on the classpath) but
could not be read as the filtered archive was hiding them.
This commit updates WarLauncher to remove the root of the war file from
the classpath. It also removes the filtering of the archive, thereby
allowing files in META-INF and WEB-INF to be accessed via the
Closes gh-1792
Update TypeElementMembers to correctly detect builder style setters.
The previous logic could fail because of the crazy way that TypeMirror
implements its equals() method.
Fixes gh-1859
See gh-1854
Previously, a setter method that was returning the current instance was
not identified as a "setter" by the configuration processor. As a result,
builder-style APIs were not covered by the configuration metadata.
If a setter returns either void or the current class, it is now
recognized as a valid setter.
Fixes gh-1854
Update ConfigurationMetadataAnnotationProcessor to ensure that only
local `additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json` files are merged
with the final output.
See gh-1830
Update ConfigurationMetadataAnnotationProcessor so that it gets called
even if the source code doesn't include any @ConfigurationProperties
See gh-1830
Add a @NestedConfigurationProperty annotation which can be used to
customize how configuration mete-data is generated.
Prior to this commit only inner-classes where considered nested
(see Tomcat in ServerProperties). Using this new annotation, the Ssl
property in ServerProperties can be detected as well.
See gh-1001
Update `ConfigurationMetadataAnnotationProcessor` to include the
'defaultValue' of a property when possible. For example the
'defaultValue' or 'server.port' is '8080'.
Default values are detected by inspecting the field assignments of
@ConfigurationProperties items. In order to detect field values some
internals of the Java compiler are used. To save a dependency on
'tools.jar' internal javac classes are accessed using reflection.
See gh-1001
Adds an annotation processor to generates a JSON meta-data file at
compile time from @ConfigurationProperties items. Each meta-data file
can include an array or 'properties' and 'groups'.
A 'property' is a single item that may appear in a Spring Boot
'' file with a given value. For example,
'server.port' and 'server.context-path' are properties. Each property
may optionally include 'type' and 'description' attributes to provide
the data type (e.g. `java.lang.Integer`, `java.lang.String`) and
some short documentation (taken from the field javadoc) about what the
property is for. For consistency, the type of a primitive is translated
to its wrapper counterpart, i.e. `boolean` becomes `java.lang.Boolean`.
A 'group' provides a higher level grouping of properties. For example
the 'server.port' and 'server.context-path' properties are in the
'server' group.
Both 'property' and 'group' items may additional have 'sourceType' and
'sourceMethod' attributes to indicate the source that contributed them.
Users may use `META-INF/additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json`
to manually provide additionally meta-data that is not covered by
@ConfigurationProperties objects. The contents of this file will be
read and merged with harvested items. The complete meta-data file is
finally written to `META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json`.
See gh-1001