To use a DataSource pool (Tomcat or DBCP) the user must supply a valid
driver class name *and* database URL. If both are supplied and the
driver class is not one of the embedded ones, then no default username
or password is provided.
Fixes gh-94
- If RabbitTemplate is on the classpath, turn on autodetection.
- Create a RabbitTemplate, a Rabbit ConnectionFactory, and a RabbitAdmin is spring.rabbitmq.dynamic:true
- Enable some **spring.rabbitmq** properties like host, port, username, password, and dynamic
- Add tests to verify functionality
- Add Groovy CLI functionality. Base it on @EnableRabbitMessaging. Add spring-amqp to the path.
- Create rabbit.groovy test to prove it all works.
- Make Queue and TopicExchange top-level Spring beans in rabbit.groovy test script
* support for spring.jms and spring.activemq
* more tests to verify ActiveMQConnectionFactory pooling
* Groovy support and simple sample with activemq
* Groovy detection mechanism is @EnableJmsMessaging annotation
* Add ability to detect spring-jms on the path and create a JmsTemplate with
* Create tests showing autoconfigured JmsTemplate with ActiveMQ, but prove it
backs off if a separate ConnectionFactory exists.
* Add support to spring-boot-cli to that it detects JmsTemplate, DefaultMessageListenerContainer,
or SimpleMessageListenerContainer, and turns on autoconfiguration as well as
add proper @Grab's and import statements.
* Write a jms.groovy test showing proper CLI support
Simplify ActiveMQ configuration
Update ActiveMQ to 5.7.0
Opinionated defaults for WebSockets:
* If spring-websocket is on the classpath and so is
the Tomcat WSci initializer then it is added to the context
* A DefaultSockJsService is added if none is present
* User has only to define @Beans of type WebSocketHandler with
name starting "/"
* Each one is converted to a SockJsHttpRequestHandler and
mapped to "/<beanName>/**"
Rework main build POM to be an aggregator pom that does not inherit
from any parent. Introduce new spring-boot-dependencies module to
act as a parent for both spring-boot-starter-parent and