@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This dependency management lets you omit `<version>` tags for those dependencies
* Sensible plugin configuration (https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin[Git commit ID], and https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/[shade]).
* Sensible resource filtering for `application.properties` and `application.yml` including profile-specific files (for example, `application-dev.properties` and `application-dev.yml`)
Note that, since the `application.properties` and `application.yml` files accept Spring style placeholders (`${...}`), the Maven filtering is changed to use `@..@` placeholders.
NOTE: Since the `application.properties` and `application.yml` files accept Spring style placeholders (`${...}`), the Maven filtering is changed to use `@..@` placeholders.
(You can override that by setting a Maven property called `resource.delimiter`.)
@ -106,3 +106,45 @@ For instance, to use a different version of the SLF4J library and the Spring Dat
=== Overriding settings on the command-line
The plugin offers a number of user properties, starting with `spring-boot`, to let you customize the configuration from the command-line.
For instance, you could tune the profiles to enable when running the application as follows:
If you want to both have a default while allowing it to be overridden on the command-line, you should use a combination of a user-provided project property and MOJO configuration.
The above makes sure that `local` and `dev` are enabled by default.
Now a dedicated property has been exposed, this can be overridden on the command-line as well: