@ -7195,10 +7195,10 @@ full end-to-end tests with an actual server>>.
==== Auto-configured Data JPA Tests
You can use the `@DataJpaTest` annotation to test JPA applications. By default, it
configures an in-memory embedded database, scans for `@Entity` classes, and configures
Spring Data JPA repositories. Regular `@Component` beans are not loaded into the
You can use the `@DataJpaTest` annotation to test JPA applications. By default, it scans
for `@Entity` classes and configures Spring Data JPA repositories. If an embedded database
is available on the classpath, it configures one as well. Regular `@Component` beans are
not loaded into the `ApplicationContext`.
TIP: A list of the auto-configuration settings that are enabled by `@DataJpaTest` can be
<<appendix-test-auto-configuration#test-auto-configuration,found in the appendix>>.