management.endpoints.jmx.expose=* # Endpoint IDs that should be exposed or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.jmx.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded.
management.endpoints.jmx.domain=org.springframework.boot # Endpoints JMX domain name. Fallback to 'spring.jmx.default-domain' if set.
management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.include=* # Endpoint IDs that should be included or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded.
management.endpoints.jmx.static-names=false # Additional static properties to append to all ObjectNames of MBeans representing Endpoints.
management.endpoints.jmx.unique-names=false # Whether to ensure that ObjectNames are modified in case of conflict.
# ENDPOINTS WEB CONFIGURATION ({sc-spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure}/endpoint/web/WebEndpointProperties.{sc-ext}[WebEndpointProperties])
management.endpoints.web.expose=info,health # Endpoint IDs that should be exposed or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=info,health # Endpoint IDs that should be included or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded.
management.endpoints.web.base-path=/actuator # Base path for Web endpoints. Relative to server.servlet.context-path or management.server.servlet.context-path if management.server.port is configured.
management.endpoints.web.path-mapping= # Mapping between endpoint IDs and the path that should expose them.