@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ sensible overriding of values, properties are considered in the the following or
. Command line arguments.
. Java System properties (`System.getProperties()`).
. OS environment variables.
. JNDI attributes from `java:comp/env`
. A `RandomValuePropertySource` that only has properties in `random.*`.
. `@PropertySource` annotations on your `@Configuration` classes.
. Application properties outside of your packaged jar (`application.properties`
@ -307,6 +308,14 @@ can set up default values for your application in `application.properties` (or w
other basename you choose with `spring.config.name`) and override it at runtime with a
different file, keeping the defaults.
> Note: if you use environment variables not system properties, most operating systems
disallow period-separated key names, but you can use underscores instead (e.g.
`SPRING_CONFIG_NAME` instead of `spring.config.name`).
> Note: If you are running in a container then JNDI properties (in `java:comp/env`) or
servlet context initialization parameters can be used instead of or as well as
environment variables or system properties.